218 N Elm St, Ithaca, MI 48847

🏠 $36k Profit in this Ithaca Fix & Flip/Rental 🏑

Attention real estate investors: Great location close to Local Amenities with easy access to major Roads/Highways. Tons of potential for profit in the heart of Ithaca.

ARV: $120

Perfect For:

πŸ› οΈ Fix/Flip:
[Purchase Price] $44,000 + [Rehab] $40,000 = [Total Investment] $84,000
[ARV] $120k – [Total Investment] $84,000 = [Gross Profit] $36,000

ARV Comps:

Full Reno

Regular Reno, Old Appliances

No Exterior updates, Regular Reno inside (across highway)

πŸ‘€ Buy With Equity:
[Purchase Price] $44,000

As is Sold Comps:

As is comp. exterior is clean but paint job
needed, interior notes to be updated
Sold for $60,000 on 04/14/2023.

As is comp. exterior is clean, interior needs to be updated

🏠 Buy and Hold:
[Purchase Price] $44,000 + [Rental Rehab] $20,000k = [Rental Investment] $64,000k
[Current Rent Rate] $700/mo

Rental Comps:

Regular Reno, Large Lot

πŸ”„ BRRR Method:
[Purchase Price] $44,000 + [Rehab] $20,000 = [Total Investment] $64,000
[ARV] $120k
Refinance Amount: $48k
(Rent Rate) ($700)/mo

Property Details:

  • Property Overview:Β 

πŸšͺ (2) Bedrooms
πŸ› (1) Bathroom
πŸ“ (750) sqft of potential
πŸ“… (1945) Built

  • Property Details:Β 

🧱 Exterior: (Alum/Vinyl)
🏠 Roof Condition: (Needs New Roof)
πŸ”§ Utilities: (Needs Updating)
πŸ’§ Hot Water Heater: (Needs Replacement)
❄️ A/C Unit: (Needs Replacement)

  • Additional Insights:Β 

πŸ“ˆ Area Details: (quiet secure area)
⏳ History: (Vacant)
🚧 Attention Required: (Needs New Roof & Full Reno)
πŸ›οΈ Vacancy: (Vacant upon close)

Contact Information:

Please call to schedule showings:
πŸ“ž (470) 450-4758 – JAY

Tentative close date:
πŸ“… (07/05/2024)